Who is Mitchell Auctioneering?
We are a family of three generations who love auctions – buying and selling – and the wonderful relationships that develop between people during an auction.
Mitchell Auctioneering
Local Auctioneer Services in Lenawee County, Michigan
Ken Mitchell…
Ken Mitchell was born and raised in Lenawee County. He started Mitchell and Kelley Auctioneers in 1971 with his partner, Earl Kelley. “I’ve always been intrigued by auctions,” he said. “When I was a kid, I’d go to one with Dad and then come home and auction everything off on the farm to an imaginary audience of buyers.”
Sadly, Ken passed away in 2022, but his auctioneer legacy continues with others in the family.
David Mitchell…
Ken’s son, David, joined the team when he moved back from Michigan State University in 1996. David works for the Lenawee County Drain Commission and lives with his wife, Michele, and their nine children, many of whom work at the auctions.
David enjoys scrapping and bargain hunting at auctions. “If you wait long enough, whatever you want will come up at auctions.”
David leads the Raisin Slicker 4-H Club and is a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church. He is involved in raising money for 4-H through the 4-H Council Auction and the livestock auctions, as well as Pheasants Forever and the Salvation Army.
Tim Mitchell…
As a youngster, Tim began practicing the auction call. He would sell unwanted Halloween candy to his siblings.
Tim likes the energy of an auction crowd – the hum and buzz and the mood change as different items are auctioned. “It is neat to be part of that atmosphere while helping people relax and have a good time.”
Together, they span more than 60 years of auction experience to help you with your auction.
Auction Locations
Auctions can be held anywhere, at your farm, large family home, or place of business. Adequate space is needed, both for visitor parking, event space, and display areas. Talk with us about having an auction at your location if you wish. We’re happy to answer any questions, or help you understand what’s necessary for planning an auction.
We often host auctions at the Lenawee County Fairgrounds. It’s a central area in Lenawee County, Michigan that many are familiar with and know how to find. Our setup in the 4-H building allows for plenty of browsing room, easy access, and protection from the heat or rain!
Watch for upcoming auction announcements to find out the particulars…but most often, you’ll see us at the fairgrounds!
Mitchell Auctioneering – home office
3451 W. Beecher Rd., Adrian MI 49221
(517) 673-5786